CALMING ANXIETY Colour it confident
Colour it confident
This week I want to talk to you about colour. At some deep level we all know that colour is important in our lives. I bet you will feel better when you are dressed in your favourite colour. And you know that you choose the colours in your house very carefully and may even feel uncomfortable if you have to be in a room which has walls in colours which you hate.
So colour matters to us. And using colour, and our particular colour preferences can help us live a calm and happy time.
Colours are really different from one another, all colours are on a different wavelength so your eye and your brain process each colour differently. Or to put it another way, each colour sends a different message to the brain. It’s no wonder that they have such a powerful effect.
One way you can use colour is to help build your confidence and make you feel at peace with the world. So let’s talk clothes. Look in your wardrobe and you will almost certainly see that you have certain strong colours with which you identify. We usually make the right instinctive choice when it comes to colour. You may also notice that when you are wearing your favourite colour, the colours that really suit you, you get lots of compliments about how nice you look.
So take account of your favourite colours, but if you want to look confident you may want to adapt them a bit. Strong dark colours send out a subconscious signal that you are in charge. Think about it, nearly all authority figures wear strong dark or bright colours, politicians wear navy, judges wear red. So if you want to say I’m in charge then choose a strong colour.
Or you might want to send a message that you are calm, relaxed. In this case go for the colours of nature, greens and gentle blues.
You will be amazed at how the people around you pick up the signals you are sending out.
And you might not always need the same colour. There is a great little guide here which will give you some pointers.
BeeaWarrior Happy colouring 🙂